lactation support for families of Northeast Ohio

We’re a full service digital agency based in Portland, Oregon.

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Kind Words


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“The campaign was perfect. We are thrilled.”

in home lactation

In Home Visits to help you reach your breastfeeding goals and navigate issues that may arise during your journey

pregnant woman in mint green dress stands holding her belly during a maternity session with Brittney Emerson Photography in New Franklin Ohio

prenatal classes

An Educated Mama is an Empowered Mama-Prenatal Lactation Classes help you feel prepared before you meet baby

A group of smiling women sitting on a bed, celebrating a friend's pregnancy in a cozy setting.

support group

Free Support Group that meets monthly, please join us whether you’re still waiting on baby to arrive or already a breastfeeding/pumping Mama!



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Got Questions?

it’s always the right time to get better informed! I recommend attending a class in your late second or early third trimester and starting to build your support network by getting to our free monthly meetups!

yes! whether you’re planning on breastfeeding after you give birth, have a newborn you’re still getting into a rhythm with or your nursing a toddler all Mamas are welcome! come meet us at 1900 Krumroy Rd Akron, OH at 6pm the fourth Thursday of each month. (Resuming January 2025)

you’ll get a pre-consult HIPPAA compliant online form that tells me about you, baby and what you’re experiencing, I’ll also ask what kind of tools you have to help in breastfeeding (pillows, pump (whether manual or electric) and what your overall goals are, if you’ll be returning to work and need to pump, basically all the info I need to make sure you feel confident by the end of our time together

I highly recommend reading some books or listening to podcasts during your pregnancy as well as getting to our support group while you’re still pregnant, there are also group and private breast-feeding courses that cover everything from A to Z without fueling your anxiety, even with all the best laid foundation sometimes you just need a little extra support and that’s when you call me and we make a plan to help you reach your breastfeeding goals

If you head over to these blog posts you’ll find my favorite podcasts, books, courses and support groups that I try to keep as up to date as possible!


… let’s connect in person

upcoming classes

Group + Private Classes

Classes Coming SOON!


support group

Baby Mama Meetup

Come Join other Mamas in the thick of preparing for babies arrival, navigating postpartum and breastfeeding

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